
October Counseling Corner

October is National Bullying Prevention Month, which is an important reminder of essential conversations for us to be having all year long. Lower Campus students are currently studying Generous Words, as part of their Generous Students curriculum that is taught both during Tool Time and integrated into their morning meetings with their teachers. Learning how to use Generous Words can be an integral part of stopping bullying and spreading kindness. Check out what we’ve been learning here.


On the Upper Campus, our middle schoolers are discussing healthy friendships and how to deal with bullying in their health class. One way to prevent bullying in teenagers is to help students develop empathy. Research shows adolescence is a key time for the growth of empathy and teens who are securely attached to their family show greater empathic support for their friends in early adolescence. Read more on this research and information on how to encourage empathy in your teen Here.  


Generous Conversations: Family Discussion Starters

  • What grade would you give our family as a whole on a Generous Words report card?

  • What can we work on so that words in our home are helpful and kind?

  • Go around the dinner table and speak specific Generous Words to the person on your right.

  • “I’m sorry” and “I forgive you” are words that repair. Is there anything you feel the need to talk about so you can say this to someone who needs to hear it from you?

  • Read Ephesians 4:29 & 31-32 as a family. Talk about the do’s and don’ts Paul gives us for our speech and the way we treat one another. Which one is hardest for you? Which one are you especially good at?


As always, if we can be of assistance to your family please contact us!


Lael Mills, Lower School Counselor, [email protected]

Karri Hawley, Upper School Counselor[email protected]