
Getting Kids Back Into the Groove After a School Break with 7 Tips

Fortunately, there are several things parents can do to help their children make the switch back to school smoothly and successfully. 

Here’s a look at some tips that can help kids get back into the school routine at GRACE after a break:

Establish a Steady Bedtime Routine

Sleep plays an important role in academic success and overall well-being. A bedtime routine can help create consistency in your child's life as they start up with their classes again. Consistency is key when it comes to getting enough sleep, so stick with set bedtimes each night and avoid late-night activities whenever possible.

Have Reasonable Expectations

After being away from academics for any length of time, it’s natural for students of all ages to take some time re-adjusting once they start up with their classes again. Instead of expecting them to jump right back in without any issues or problems, allow them some grace as they settle back into things.

Make Learning Fun at Home

Creating an environment at home where learning is viewed positively is also essential when it comes to helping get kids ready for school after a break. Try adding educational activities such as reading materials, educational games, or puzzles into family game nights/weekend activity plans so that even when kids aren't actively engaging in academics, they're still being exposed to knowledge and ideas which will stimulate them mentally as well as provide opportunities for family bonding time too!

Plan Physical Activities

The old adage “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” applies here; by providing your child with enough downtime during the break, he or she will have the energy reserves needed for tackling the work ahead once school resumes. Setting aside a specific time each day for physical activity—such as outdoor play, bike rides, or even family hikes—is also highly recommended since this helps counteract the effects of long hours spent sitting in class or doing homework.

Get Organized

Creating an organized study space can help kids stay focused while studying or completing classwork assignments – plus it'll make it easier for them to find necessary materials quickly so they don't waste time searching around aimlessly! Spend some time clearing out old clutter from desks, drawers, bookshelves, etc., so your student has plenty of breathing room before starting on new projects or assignments this school year!

Develop Good Study Habits

Help your child develop good study habits early on by setting limits on TV/video game usage during homework hours (and enforcing them). Model good study habits yourself by reading books or doing other leisure activities during homework hours too - this will prove that even adults must take the same approach when attempting difficult tasks! Additionally, try breaking down long assignments into smaller chunks spread out over multiple days - this will make studying far less intimidating than attempting large amounts of material in one sitting!

Encourage Positive Attitudes

Above all else, encourage positive attitudes when you're helping your child adjust back into their studies after taking a break - remind them that everyone sometimes struggles with getting used to new routines but that if they put forth effort towards their work now then success will come eventually! And lastly - talk about how proud you are of them for tackling difficult tasks head-on - this kind of positive reinforcement goes a long way!

By taking these simple steps towards getting children ready after a break from school, parents can help ensure that their children get off on the right foot as they begin another exciting semester at GRACE Christian School

As a reminder for parents and need-to-know information, here are some helpful links:

Calendar & Bell Schedule
Parent Quick Guide