
Benefits of Actively Engaging at your Child's School

The extent of parent involvement in a child's education contributes to their academic and character development progress.

At GRACE Christian School, we know involved parents benefit students and everyone in our school community.  Working in collaboration with your child's teacher and other school members helps your child’s academic growth and school-home connection and fosters your child's well-being and spiritual development.

Open Communication

Parent involvement in education is crucial. Your participation will encourage open communication between you and the school, which will ultimately benefit your child.

You can monitor your child's progress and address his or her needs by working closely with the school. Teachers, support staff, and administrators will be able to better collaborate with you if they are aware of and understand your child's needs. For example, if your child is having reading difficulties, poor attention span, or behavioral issues, then a collaborative approach is more effective.

The earlier you build relationships based on open communication and trust, the easier it will be to reach out, talk about any issues that may arise throughout the year, and collaborate to see positive results.

Active Participation

When you are involved at the school your child attends, you not only help the school, but you also help your child in a variety of ways.

Active participation is a way to partner with the school in support of all students. Your commitment to others helps your child see you as a role model. Your dedication contributes to the development of your child’s character values, priorities, and overall well-being.

When you assist as an individual, you have an opportunity to see your child in action during the school day. You may assist with homework packets, coordinate special events, and/or attend field trips, which is helping teachers, staff, and all students, but it also allows you to see how your child studies, whom they are engaging with, and how they participate in class. By having strong working relationships with your child's teacher and other school staff, you are also teaching children about empathy and compassion for others.

Setting a Christian Example

Parent engagement in Christian schools contributes to creating a more nurturing environment that goes far beyond academics and strengthens children's mental, social, and spiritual well-being. Families in a Christian educational setting share similar beliefs and values. As a parent, you can help your child's development and Christian education by being involved in their school, keeping open lines of communication with the school staff, and volunteering in the school whenever possible.

When you invest your time, energy, and expertise in your child's academic pursuits and school, you have more opportunities to model Christ-like behavior for your child.  As Ephesians 4:2 says, "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love."  When your child sees you volunteering your time to love and help others, he or she is more likely to incorporate volunteerism into their lifestyle and follow God’s lead. As a member of the Christian school community, you play an important role not only in your child's development but also in his or her Christian faith.

When parents and the school work together, children are better equipped to learn the word of God, comprehend it, and faithfully follow it throughout their school years and into adulthood.

Opportunities for Engagement at GRACE Christian

At GRACE Christian School, families can count on a welcoming atmosphere for students and the entire family.  You can expect to receive regular updates on school services, and special events, and to be invited to volunteer and participate in the learning community. Communication is a top priority.

GRACE Christian recognizes the importance of volunteering at your child's school and makes every effort to ensure you are part of the school daily. Ongoing parent volunteer recruiting at school helps in the development of strong, long-term collaboration throughout the school year. Strong parent engagement facilitates relationship-building, information sharing, and most importantly, your child’s success.

One of the best ways to find out about all the opportunities to serve at GRACE is by becoming a member of our PTF (Parent-Teacher Fellowship). From organizing spirit nights, working at the Christmas store, hosting hospitality luncheons and more, our PTF has numerous ways for you to get involved.

We are so grateful for all our parents at GRACE Christian School who actively engage in their student’s schooling. You are helping them achieve academic success and grow in virtue. If you would like more insight on how to be involved in your student’s academia, please email [email protected].