
Cultivating Life Skills: Advantages of a Christian Elementary Education

According to cognitive development psychologists Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky, children go through predetermined developmental stages and are also heavily influenced by their culture and environment between year two and year eleven. Simply put, elementary school is a pivotal part of a child’s life. These years allow them to further their cognitive development which helps shape their personal character.

By the age of ten, studies suggest children should have the following academic skills:

  • Mathematical: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers
  • Reading: find main ideas and supporting details
  • Writing: note-taking, planning, editing, and publishing


While GRACE Christian promotes these academic skills through our hands-on learning styles, our Christian foundation further propels us to equip our students with life skills.

Social Skills

Learning how to interact and work with others is a lifelong skill. It begins with sharing. Sharing in the form of physical items and verbal sharing allows people to be vulnerable and communicate better. These social skills are first taught within the home; however, these skills are further developed in the classroom with peers and teachers outside of family members.


An education rooted in Christian values is sure to increase a child’s self-confidence and overall self-worth. From a young age, we learn how to trust ourselves and where to place our value. Confidence is a personality trait needed to accomplish everyday tasks and is something that helps us branch out to try new things. Self-confidence, when combined with a Christian education, solidifies our perception of our self-worth.


As we get older, we learn how invaluable communication skills are. How we communicate daily activities, our emotions, and even delivering criticism, is a learned trait. With a Biblical worldview, we teach our students how to communicate clearly and with charity, as we strive to uphold the Golden Rule: treat others how you want to be treated.

Are you looking to start enrolling your child in a Christian education? GRACE Christian is now accepting applications! Please get in contact with our staff by submitting a form or calling the admissions office at 919-747-2020.