March Madness
Like with most things this year, March Missions Month will not be the same as it usually is. However, our leadership elective has been working hard to make alternate arrangements so that our students can still learn about the importance of serving God by serving others and sharing about Jesus. Many of you know we typically give to one local organization, as well as one international organization or ministry during this month. This year, we are planning to scale things back a bit and bless some of our staff internally (at GRACE) through our mini-service projects on Thursday, along with a couple of local ministries with donations that we will continue collecting until the end of the month. We would like for each TK-2nd grade class to collect new items from the list below for the children at Refugee Hope Partners, and 3rd-6th grade classes to collect food items from the list below for Hope Community Church's food pantry. We will accept donations until Easter break.
For Refugee Hope Partners:
- pencils and pencil sharpeners
- glue sticks
- highlighters
- lined notebook paper
- 24-count crayon boxes
- block erasers
- 10-count fat markers
- personal hand sanitizer (that hooks on backpacks)
For Hope's food pantry:
- cans of chicken or tuna
- canned meals, such as chili or Chef Boyardee
- boxed meals, such as Hamburger Helper or macaroni and cheese
- peanut butter - small jars or to-go cups (individual servings)
- canned foods, such as fruits, veggies, and beans
- breakfast items, such as cereal or oatmeal
Celebrate GRACE Auction
GRACE families are invited to donate items for the Celebrate GRACE Auction taking place online from April 13-24, 2021 at . Each TK-6th classroom and 7th-12th grade level has been assigned a theme in which to purchase and donate items. Lower campus room parents have communicated with their classroom parents regarding items needed. For 7-12th grade families: please use this link to sign up for an item to contribute to the auction. Auction baskets will be created with these donations and place up for bidding to raise funds for the Annual Fund. Funds raised will be used for Lower Campus classroom remodels and new roofing, and Upper Campus weight room, PE changing rooms, and new roofing. Donations can be dropped off in TK-6th Grade classrooms or at the front desk on the Upper Campus no later than March 18th.
Or, if you'd like to donate auction items, experiences, vacation homes for a weekend or a week's stay, services, or more, please fill out this auction donor form to donate and participate. 

Thank you for your support and see you at the auction!
Reserve your free tickets to Celebrate GRACE
The sixth annual Celebrate GRACE, an adults-only virtual gala to benefit the GCS Annual Fund, will be taking place on April 24, 2021. Due to the current circumstances surrounding COVID, this year's fundraising event will be held virtually. Individuals can view the gala at home or small groups can participate and view together at an outdoor porch-patio-style small group gathering at individual homes. Home gala parties of 8 or more will receive a boxed catered meal to enjoy together.
You are invited to serve as a host home, attend in-person at a small gathering gala party, or view the gala virtually at home.
Reservations are required to attend in-person home gala parties. Indicate your intention to attend by making your reservation today.
Early Dismissal | Teacher Workday this Friday
Don't forget - this Friday is an early release day for our students. Lower Campus will release at 11:45 a.m. and Upper Campus will release at 11:55 a.m.Attention GCS 5th and 6th Grade Parents
The GRACE Math Department is looking forward to partnering with you as you begin to make decisions regarding your student’s progression through middle and high school math courses. To help you prepare, we are planning a virtual panel discussion to be held Monday, April 12th at 6:30 pm. We will cover your student’s course options, various pathways for progression through our math courses, and what math courses your student needs prior to taking the SAT and ACT and applying to colleges. We also want to give you the opportunity to hear from Upper Campus math teachers and GRACE families whose students are currently in the 12th grade or enrolled in college. We believe you will benefit greatly from hearing about our Upper Campus math courses and our students’ personal experiences with these courses as they’ve prepared for college.
Prior to this event, we ask that you fill out this form to help us understand what questions you may have and how we can best help you as we prepare the presentation. The form will close on March 26th, so please be sure to fill it out as soon as you are able!