Annual Parent Survey
Conducting an annual parent survey is a critical part of our ongoing commitment to provide the best educational experience possible to our families, as well as a critical piece of our accreditation process. Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete the surveys linked below. Please prayerfully consider your responses as the feedback we receive will be part of the overall evaluation of our programs. The survey will be open through Saturday, March 6.
You will notice that the first question asks for the grade level of your child. Please complete a survey for each of your children with that specific child's experience for the 2020-21 school year.
For each child in grades TK-4, please click on the following link to access the survey: Grades TK-4 Survey
For each child in grades 5-6, please click on the following link to access the survey: Grades 5 & 6 Survey
For each child in grades 7-12, please click on the following link to access the survey: Grades 7-12 Survey
Donuts for Dads
The Men of GRACE will hold our next virtual Donuts for Dads next Friday, March 5th from 7:30 am – 8:00 am. This month’s presenter is going to be Jim Folk, fellow GRACE dad and pastor of Trinity Community Church in Cary. Come hear what God has laid on Jim’s heart to share with the group and get to know a fellow GRACE dad.
If you are not able to attend and have any prayer requests that you would like to be shared with the group, please email Greg Robinson at [email protected] prior to Friday. The Google Hangout information is below.
Join by video
Join by phone - +1 224-858-8324 PIN: 155 140 710#
Drivers Education
GRACE will be offering a "virtual" Driver Education class June 7-11 from 8 am - 2 pm. Students must be 14 1/2 years old by the first day of class and actively enrolled for the 2021/2022 school year to participate. Registration forms are available at the front desk. Please complete and return the form along with a copy of your student's birth certificate. No payment is required at this time. Class is limited to 35 students.
Celebrate GRACE Auction
GRACE families are invited to donate items for the Celebrate GRACE Auction taking place online from April 13-24, 2021 at Each TK-6th classroom and 7th-12th grade level has been
assigned a theme in which to purchase and donate items. Auction baskets will be created with these donations and place up for bidding to raise funds for the Annual Fund. Funds raised will be used for Lower Campus classroom remodels and new roofing, and Upper Campus weight room, PE changing rooms, and new roofing. Donations can be dropped off in TK-6th Grade classrooms or at the front desk on the Upper Campus no later than March 18th.
Or, if you'd like to donate auction items, experiences, vacation homes for a weekend or a week's stay, services, or more, please fill out this
auction donor form to donate and participate.

Thank you for your support and see you at the auction!
Sign Up to be a Host Home for Celebrate GRACE
The sixth annual Celebrate GRACE, an adults-only virtual gala to benefit the GCS Annual Fund, will be taking place on April 24, 2021. Due to the current circumstances surrounding COVID, this year's fundraising event will be held virtually. Individual families can view the gala at home or small groups can participate together at an outdoor porch-patio-style small group gathering at individual homes. Host homes are needed to make this fundraising event a success, and we invite you to consider opening your home to the community in this way. For more information about serving as a host home, or to sign-up to host,
click here.
Lower Campus Read Across America 2021
This week is Read Across America (in honor of Dr. Seuss's birthday) week! To celebrate, our Lower Campus students have some special spirit days:
+ Monday, March 1 - Oh the Places You’ll Go! Day: Wear a shirt or clothing from a place you’ve traveled or would like to visit.
+ Tuesday, March 2 - On Beyond Zebra Day: Wear animal print or a shirt with an animal on it.
+ Wednesday, March 3 -.Green Eggs and Ham Day: Wear green today!
+ Thursday, March 4 - Fox in Socks Day: Wear silly or mismatched socks.
+ Friday, March 5 - The Cat in the Hat Day: Wear a fun or favorite hat.
Pizza Palooza!
Congrats to our February Pizza Palooza winners. Each winner will receive a free (1) one 14" large cheese or (1) one-topping pizza valued at $12.99 courtesy of Papa John's on Avent Ferry Road.
Students: Grace McKinley, Summer McLeod, Andrew Kittleson, Madie Laasko, Pierce Falivena, Parker Farless and Ally Tharrington
Teachers/Staff: Lisa Suarez, Mr. Kenny, Lillian Gomide, Paula Welch, William Brewer, Cindelee Thorne and Anthony Moreland