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2021-2022 Academic Calendar
Our Executive Leadership Team has released the 2021-2022 GRACE Academic Calendar. Please note, as always, these dates may be subject to change. You can always find our Calendar and Bell Schedules online using the "quick links" feature from the homepage.
TK-3rd Literacy Night
March Virtual Learning Sign-Up
Lower Campus Read Across America 2021
+ Tuesday, March 2 - On Beyond Zebra Day: Wear animal print or a shirt with an animal on it.
+ Wednesday, March 3 -.Green Eggs and Ham Day: Wear green today!
+ Thursday, March 4 - Fox in Socks Day: Wear silly or mismatched socks.
+ Friday, March 5 - The Cat in the Hat Day: Wear a fun or favorite hat.
Last Call: Yearbook Shout Outs
A shout out is a line you can purchase to be printed in the yearbook. It is a great way to send a special message to your child. It is a great way for your child to let that special teacher or coach know how they feel. It is a fun way to put your favorite song lyrics or movie quotes in the yearbook. It is only $5, and your word will be immortalized. Note: Miss Hawks is the judge of whether or not your Shout Out is appropriate. If you attempt to put in something inappropriate for school, she will give you a disapproving gaze and keep your money as punishment. You can print out your Shout Out form here and bring to Miss. Hawks.