Save the Date: Priority Re-Enrollment
Mark your calendars as Priority Re-Enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year, which begins on November 16th. Priority Applications for siblings of current students will open on November 16th as well. Starting December 1st, applications open to the general public. Due to capacity enrollment and lengthy wait pools this school year, it is imperative that our current families re-enroll as early as possible to secure an enrollment seat for the 2021-2022 school year. New families applying beginning on December 1st will be considered for available enrollment seats.
GCS T-Shirts and Hoodies

To order, return the order form that was sent home with your child, or you can place your order online using this form. Please note: You will have to complete an order form for each child!
Holiday Virtual Learning Registration
Operation Christmas Child
Go Shopping, Support GRACE!
Amazon Smile | AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon that lets customers shop while also giving back to their favorite charitable organizations. Go to and select GREATER RALEIGH AREA CHRISTIAN EDUCATION, INC. to designate GRACE as your charitable organization.
Harris Teeter | Harris Teeter’s Together In Education program gives schools a chance to earn funds when you link your VIC card and shop Harris Teeter brands. There are NO LIMITS to how much a school can earn. Link your VIC card to GRACE by selecting 2768 GRACE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL RALEIGH on the Harris Teeter Together in Education Webpage. Note: You MUST re-link every year!
Publix Partners | Through Publix Partners, all purchases made at Publix will help earn money for our school. For every $37,500 spent cumulatively by GRACE families, Publix will award GRACE $250. Pick up a Publix Partner bar code card at either campus reception desk and scan it at check out.
Box Tops for Education | Each box top is worth 10¢ for our school! Look for the pink Box Tops on hundreds of products, clip, and submit to either campus office. No registration or linking is required, although you can earn bonus box tops by joining on the Box Tops website. Search for 27606 (swipe left to see the full list of schools) and select GRACE.
Shutterfly | Our Shutterfly Storefront is a great way for parents, teachers and staff to earn money for GRACE - without the time commitment of a traditional fundraiser. You simply use this unique URL to shop and GCS receives 8% commission on every order!
Biblical Worldview Integration
K-5th Grade Parents: Join us for Mathodology Monday
Learn more about the Model Method of solving word problems by joining us for a virtual teacher/parent workshop taught by Mathodology – the math organization GRACE uses for professional development. The workshop will be held via Zoom on Monday, November 16th from 7 -8 p.m. Click here for the Zoom link. For a brief intro on the Model Method, taught by Dr. Yeap Ban Har, click here.
Upper Campus Exam Schedule
Parents and students can access the Upper Campus exam schedule by clicking this link.
Community Prayer
Join us for our virtual Community Prayer time on Thursdays from 12:00-12:30 p.m. Please CLICK HERE to submit prayer requests. Meeting information is as follows:
Meeting ID:
Phone Numbers: (US)+1 321-529-9147 PIN: 934 553 124#
Upper Campus Lost and Found
Order your Yearbook
It's a great time to order your 2020-2021 GCS yearbook! This year's theme is "Here We Are" because we are so thankful to be together at school. Yearbooks cost $45; to purchase, go to and search for GRACE Christian Raleigh. You know you are in the right place when you see the G-Eagle.
Upper Campus "Bless the Teachers/Staff" Fund
The PTF Upper Campus committee is collecting donations and using them to bless the Upper Campus teachers and staff. Like in all years past, we are requesting a one-time donation of $40 from each student to cover the cost of small gifts for staff birthday, holidays, and an end-of-year "thank you." We will also coordinate appreciation events throughout the year such as coffee and snack carts, surprise treats, and luncheons. Currently, we are working on a little Thanksgiving surprise.
Because of COVID and wanting to minimize contact, this year we are asking you to give online using this link. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to [email protected].
GCS Spirit Days
Let's get in the GRACE spirit with some fun Spirit Days - brought to you by the GCS Student Council. Mark your calendars for the following dates and have your student join in on the fun!
November 12: Western Day
November 19: Hawaiian Day